I’m sitting here waiting on a callback from my newest doctor.

Am I the only one who shows up when I’m told and then waits an hour to finally see the doctor for ten minutes?

Of course, it could be worse. At Sunrise Hospital I lay around on a gurney for several hours until they could find me a bed. Speaking of which, did you know that Sunrise is one of the hospitals that got grandfathered in for multiple patients in a room? I was in a room with two other old dudes. Fortunately, they were quiet. Unlike someone on the same floor who yelled loud enough every freaking night to make me shut the door. — And they call those good drugs.

I’m staring at one of those little doohickies you put on your finger to check your pulse and oxygen levels. It says I’m doing ok but I’m checking so often that I may need to replace the battery before I get my callback. –Nothing like worrying about things you can’t control to keep your mind focused.

Okay, so no call back after several attempts.

I despise doctors and, more importantly, their nurses who are too important to give a shit about anything as trivial as their patients.

I got an email telling me about their new answering service… Still ignoring me.

And this is my heart doctor. I give up.