Aging less than gracefully

Month: August 2024

More hospital B S

This is chicken Caesar salad.

Of course, the Parm tastes like the stuff that came in the round green box we used to eat before we knew better.

I know it’s supposed to be cold, but I swear the chicken was so cold it was crunchy.

On a different note; this is a heavy blanket… According to the hospital at any rate.

If it was any thinner it would be tissue.

I decide when to put on the blanket (which, surprisingly, does help) by watching the thermostat in my room when it hits 71 it’s time. This “thermostat” has nothing to do with the a/c unit, but it does let you know when the room is getting cool. (you know you’re officially “bored out of your mind” when you find yourself watching the thermostat.)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If you have visitors they need a secret code to get in. It’s your first initial, last initial, two numbers, and then your room number. I’ve met security and I’m not sure if they’re just not smart enough to deal with anything more complicated or if they’re not paid enough to care.

Hospital food

Well, once again I’m laying in a hospital bed with a heparin dip. I hadn’t give my pulmonary edima so much as a passing thought. I mean, after ten plus years without a single symptom who expects it to pop back in for a visit.

One definite improvement over my last stay is my night shift menu. The hospital made a deal with the cafeteria so some patients can order a cheeseburger and fries.

I’ve been trying to stick to a low fat diet, so a mediocre hamburger and french fries was an amazing treat.

I really must fall off the wagon more often. When you live on fish, chicken and salad beef is worth it’s weight in anything.

Bad news. The good meal is only available for late checkins. Rats.

I spoke to my doctor and I’ll be here a while for more tests and lost sleep. – Last time I went through this I got bills from doctors I never saw and for lab work that was never ordered. Yes, they made a few bucks but only because it was cheaper than my hiring a lawyer.

Now I have something to look forward to.😆

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